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Egypt Introduction

Although Egypt does not need an introduction but it was the introduction to human civilization itself, and has all the evidence to show for it. Egypt is such a big and varied country that it's hard to know where to even start describing its best, most intense, and most satisfying places and moments.Visiting Egypt is like traveling through time, with stops at some of the most remarkable milestones of history. One of the oldest civilization on the planet, this self-proclaimed "mother of the world" was first unified under one king more than 6,000 years ago. In that time, Egypt has been ruled by Pharaohs and Romans, Turkish khedives and Muslim caliphs, British and French colonizers, all of who left their unique marks on the country and its people.

Tour Egypt from the live Nile Valley , to the solitary deserts, to the diversity of the Sinai desert , to the lush oases, to the exotic underwater life of the Red Sea , to the Mediterranean beaches. "Now, let me talk more of Egypt for it has a lot of admirable things and what one sees there is superior to any other country." - Herodotus, 50 BCE

"...In Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to earth below...It should rather be said that the whole cosmos dwells in [Egypt] as in its sanctuary..."

"There will come a time when ... the gods will return from earth to heaven; Egypt will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its deities."

Even though much of what Herodotus witnessed has been ruined by the cruelty of later generations, his statement is still valid to this day. Today's Egyptians have abandoned their ancient heritage for a mostly Moslem Arabic-speaking nation. Happily, they have maintained their friendly, hospitable, and warm characteristics.

Modern Egypt is a hodge podge of cultures, each bringing its own combination of art, food and tradition to the mix. Nowhere is this diversity more evident than in Cairo, where a rapidly growing population of 17 million live clustered in a sprawling strip of urban mayhem along the banks of the Nile. One of the most intense metropolises on the planet, Cairo greets newcomers with a perpetual swirl of activity, dazzling even the most jaded travelers.

But Egypt is much more than its capital, boasting spectacular Pharaonic monuments in Upper Egypt, to world-class diving in the Red Sea and Biblical landmarks in the Sinai desert. More importantly, Egyptians are friendly, generous hosts who have been entertaining tourists for centuries. So whether you opt for the archaeology tour or a relaxing beach getaway, expect to be charmed by the sights and the people.

Cairo , the capital is the place to start. It has the Pyramids, the Sphinxs, the Egyptian Museum, many more sights and more than ten million cairenes to share the experience. Alexandria , the two hundreth city of the country has its fare share of historic sights as well and with its location on the Mediterranean it is an ideal spot for your holidays. The north of Egypt has many impressive temples and graves from Pharaonic times. Luxor , Aswan and Abu Simbel should all be on your to do list.

Finally I think that every time you will in the country, you will find the best of Egypt, and every time you go back, you will find something new that convinces you afresh that this time. Egypt offers everything, and more, from sunrise in the desert on the edge of the Great Sand Sea, to sunset over the granite mountains of the Sinai where they meet the shimmering azure of the Red Sea, to trailing your fingers in the cool waters of the Nile from the back of a faluca after a day of exploring underground tombs.

 Sub Categories In This Category
The History Of Egypt
Transportation in Ancient Egypt
Transportation in Modern Egypt
Religion in Ancient Egypt
Religion in Modern Egypt
Culture & Customs
Egyptian Language
Weather & Clothes
Currency of Egypt
Cairo Walls / Gates
Egyptian Gods and Goddess
Islamic History in Egypt